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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

 The Dagashi are a reptilian race, ranging from three to four feet tall at adulthood. They are covered in scales, most being black or dark shades of blue and purple, but there are green and red scaled varieties. Most have two horns growing out of the back of their head, with two long pointed ears and a pointed nose and chin. The Dagashi live in communities called hives. Some of these hives can number into the thousands. The creatures are not very intelligent and communicate through a series of chirps and chittering. Their societies are violent, cannibalism is not unheard of. As far as weapons and armour go, the dagashi are known to scavenge battlefields for both. Their are hundreds of hives in the regions east of Camaan. Dagashi bounties are paid in Cairn and in Falcon's Nest.




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