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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

A Lord of Tier, Donovan was a self-serving entrepeneur. He often distanced his self from the politics of the nobles and the king, but usually did what was right in most people's eyes.

He was known as the most wealthy man in the kingdom. He was aloof however, and many felt he misused his wealth for fickle things.

He fought during the Fall of Tier and survived. After the battle, he bribed Kaelian soldiers to allow him to take passage to his homeland Elthanor.

He took Hiro with him, another wealthy Tieran lord.

The two settled there for many years until the exiles in New Tier, made plans to return and retake the old city.

Donovan, in his sixties now, allied his self with Bastion Are Stilicho, the son of Thitas Amer Stilicho, who had just taken over his protector Pikus' army. The Falcon Army, combined with Donovan's own soldiers, played a key part in preparing the way for the armies from Shinarendretta and New Tier.

Donovan lived a long life. He died when he reached 101 years. His vast fortune he left to his oldest friend Rotiart's son, who he deemed to be so much like his self that he would live on through him.

Stilicho, along with Prince Tornoah were at his side upon his death. Donovan was cheerful to the last breath, having lived a full life. His final words were to the heroes of the past, and were carved on his memorial.

"Friends and comrades in arms. I have strayed from you for a while. Now I come to you, those whose company I have longed for so long. Greet me with smiles and laughter I pray."

A statue was made of Donovan, and several of the legendary figures of Tieran history to honor the hero.

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