

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago

Blood brother to Riobe. He survived his brother's death at the Fall of Tier. Riobe left his wealth and his armor to him.

Fermafi vowed to Riobe he would fix the devastation Kael brought upon their lives.

He was the one who bought the land that New Tier would be built on. He, along with many others, felt that Cairn was to be avoided.

He raised up a family there, having a son he named Shairion Riobe in honor of his brother, and started the movement to retake Tier. He raised an army he called the Army of Tier. He was not able to live beyond the Return, but his army he gave to Prince Tornoah, a gift to restore the homeland.

He died in New Tier, the city he built, but his wife brought his remains to the restored city of Tier to be buried.

A monument was built in his honor, displaying the names of all those lost in the Fall of Tier. A special notation was made for his brother who he outlived.

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