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Page history last edited by Stilicho 12 years, 10 months ago

Jobs & Professions

These professions require no innate racial abilities. Any race in the world can learn these professions should they have the intellect to do so.








-Almanor/Alms Giver:


-Animal Trainer (see Tamer)


















-Bar Keep


-Basket Weaver

-Beastmaster (see Tamer)



-Bell Ringer

-Blacksmith (see Smith)

-Boat Maker

-Bodger: Furniture maker. Turns wooden legs for furniture.

-Book Binder

-Bounty Hunter


-Brazier: Worker of brass.


-Brick Layer

-Brick Maker




-Burnisher: Polishes metal.


-Cabinet Maker

-Cage Maker



-Carpet Weaver





-Chandler: Makes candles from wax or tallow (animal fat).






-Cloth Maker










-Cup Bearer




-Dijo - Trainer in the fighting arts, weather it be with weapons or without.




-Dowser/Diviner: One who finds water through various methods including witching.




-Ensign: Standard bearer.









-Field Medic

-Fire Eater




-Fortune Teller



-Gem Cutter


-Glass Blower









-Guilderer: Maker of coinage.











-Inn Keeper

-Instrument Maker




-Journeyman: A craftsman's apprentice.






-Lamp Lighter










-Maker: Specializes in making a particular good or item.













-Money Changer




-Paper Maker




-Parchment Maker







-Porter: Gate-keeper








-Rat Catcher



-Rug Maker

-Rune Scribe*


















-Sheather: Makes scabbards and sheaths for a living.














-Story Teller






-Tax Collector






-Town Crier





-Treasure Hunter




-Vintner: Wine merchant.

-Wainwright: Maker of wagons.





-Wig Maker

-Wood Carver


-Wright: Specialized worker.

-Yeoman: A common landowner trained in the use of bows.





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