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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

A maven of Kael who died in the fight at the Fall of Tier. He was the apprentice of Iloivar who left Kael before the Fall of Tier due to a premonition given him by the Aten Tenzan.

Rogald's final letter was written to his master:

Lord Iloivar,

I lay apon my cot wondering what will occur at sun's break. I'm sweating so heavily out of fear that it is difficult to hold this quill. Just as you said it would be, I know this war will end in the death of us all. In the short glimpses of sleep that I caught, I had a vision only it wasn't what I hoped it to be. There was no cheering or dancing for the heroes of Kael as they returned triumphant. Only pain. A deep hardened pain strewn across each weary face.
I now know why you left Kael. At first I told everyone you had vanished suddenly and that maybe the spawn had finnaly caught you. Too ashamed to admit even to myself that you had just walked away at a time when Kael needed you the most.

We must pick and choose our battles though. Noone can fight a war for you. Since you left I'd like to think you'd be proud of me. I've learned so much in such a short time. Although every once in awhile I accidently zap myself with one of those glass figurines you left in your vault. I guess i still have lot's to learn.
Look how quickly the moon sets. Today at dusk we attack Tier. Whether we'll win I don't know. If I don't make it back though I just want you to be proud of me......

Your servant,


Does one ever get over this pre battle jitters?

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