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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

The Stygian Menace


Large insect-like creatures that resemble mantises. They inhabit the dead sea, a desert south of Cassad. The lay their eggs in caves and in the Ancient Arena built in the ruins of one of the dead sea's ancient ports. Gladiatorial games are held every year around the time the eggs hatch in the arena. Cassan people flock to the area to watch the battles between the insects and the Cassan champions. Stygians go through one molt before adulthood, where they lose much of their body mass, including two abdomen limbs. When Stygians reach adulthood, they form a cacoon, metamorphising into smaller creatures that can fly. Stygians have a queen they serve in a colony. There are several such colonies throughout the deserts south of Cassad.




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